Teacher and Staff Wishlists
A great way we can help our teachers and staff is by providing them with the tools they need to teach our scholars. Classroom teachers often spend money out of pocket each year buying classroom supplies, and many are using Amazon Wish List to request classroom items and enhance their classrooms and curriculum.
Any gift giver may add their name on the packing slip or keep their donation anonymous.
Please feel free to share these links with your personal networks as any help is greatly appreciated.
Please consider helping with our Faculty’s wish lists!

Selena Kibira
Special Education Teacher – ASD
Amazon Wishlist
Paige Seegers
Second Grade
Amazon Wishlist
Maria Shelton
Fourth Grade
Donors Choose Project

Heather Thomson
Associate Educator
Amazon Wishlist
Amazon account to get started.
For your PTA
Throughout the year your Bryn Mawr PTA takes every opportunity to uplift and support our teachers. We regularly coordinate events and offer small tokens of appreciation to our teachers. The list below contains items the PTA can use to make our events and other supports possible.
- Gift cards for Teachers & Staff(Target, Caribou, CubFoods)
- Gift Cards for PTA Operations (FedEx Office, Office Depot)
- Gift Bags
- Dry Erase Markers
- Pack of thank you cards
- Name tag stickers
For our Teachers and Staff
The wish list below contains items that our teachers need.
Please deliver items directly to your teachers.
- Boxes of Tissues
- Hand Sanitizer
- Dry Erase Markers
- Crayons
- Pencils
- Spiral notebooks
- Construction Paper
School Nurse’s Office
- Kids underwear (esp. boys size 5T-12)
- Kids pants (size 4-8)
Please contact teachers before purchasing items.
Thank you so much in advance for your generosity!