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As the local community school, our school benefits from the strong support of our surrounding community! Our PTA is an all volunteer organization and all monies raised go directly to programs and materials to benefit the school and our students. The Bryn Mawr PTA is a 501(c)(3), so your gift is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.


Make a donation online Note: click on the PayPal button to donate using your credit card.

Make a donation via VENMO @BrynMawrPTA-School

Make a donation via Cash App $BrynMawrPTA

Utilize employee giving and/or corporate matching. Contact us for EIN, exempt status and corporate charter information.

Direct your amazon smile account to PTA Minnesota Congress Bryn Mawr Elementary PTA.

Submit Box Tops using the Boxtops4education app

Companies and organizations

partner with us by making financial contributions, donating gifts in kind, and/or offering their services and expertise. We love to collaborate. Want to invest in north Minneapolis kids’ education? Contact us.

A shout out to some of our past collaborators.

Benavides - 214 Wish List

Class set glue sticks
Class set scissors
Class set clipboards
Teacher scissors
Tape dispenser
First aid supplies
Books (K-4 levels)
2-3 sensory items (fidgets, sand, etc.)
Bins (small-medium bins for materials like paper, blocks, tiles, etc.)